Mt. Calvary Holiness Church Of Deliverance, Inc
"Where God Is Moving By His Power"
Bishop E. L. Covington
Bishop Ernest L Covington was born to the late Samuel Covington and Late Elder Annie Covington on October 2, 1947. He is the 10th child out of 15 children. He attended Johnston County Schools and after obtaining his high school diploma attended two years at W. W. Holding for business management. On August 23, 1965 he married Ella Joyce Terry (now Overseer E. J. Covington). He was a member of Johnson Grove Bible Church of God in Benson, NC under the leadership of Pastor Zera Hampton. While a member there he served as a faithful steward. The Lord blessed him and in 1980 he was anointed to preach the gospel. Not long after in 1982 the Lord spoke to his wife to go to Four Oaks, NC and establish a work. As Paul addresses us in Philippians 4:3 'And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel' and so he went to help her as she labored.
His leadership qualities and persona of authority enabled him to serve as supervisor for sever
hard and stayed dedicated to God. As God began to rain on him, he was ordained an elder in the Bible Church of God in 1983. God continued to bless him the more, and he was then ordained as bishop of The Holiness Church of Deliverance, Inc. in 1986. Eventually the Lord called Bishop into full time ministry. He pastored Mt. Moriah Holiness Church of Deliverance in Wilson, NC for five years.
Bishop Ernest L. Covington is the father of four children: Ernest R. Covington, Troy Covington, Belinda Covingtonand Sherwood Covington. From these offspring and their union he has eight grandchildren. He is a great man of God and has touched many lives both in the church and in our community; a man of honor and great integrity. His good named earned him a place as a recipient of 2005 Jefferson Award. He is revered by all who know him. Presently he serves as Presiding Bishop of The Holiness Church of Deliverance. This man of God preaches the raw and uncompromised word of God and that with power.